Summer 2014. A message falls into our mailbox: the French-Swiss watchmaker Bell & Ross, famous for its luxurious military-inspired watches, needs a racing suit tailor-made for its B-Rocket project. Intriguing...

The B-Rocket is the airplane motorcycle created by Bell & Ross in collaboration with Shaw Speed Motorcycles, official Harley-Davidson dealer based in England. A unique machine, a mechanical tribute to two superb eponymous watches made in limited edition.



To dress its rider, Bell & Ross needs a tailor-made leather suit as exclusive as its machine. This is how the watchmaker contacted ASD.



Bell & Ross and ASD are working together on a design in reference to the racing suits stratosphere, taking up the codes of the B-Rocket watch - such as the quilting of its strap, found at the elbows and knees.



The final look must be both vintage and spacey. A goal achieved according to Bruno Belamich, Bell & Ross co-founder and creative director, for whom this racing suit offers a finish to the standards required by the world of luxury.